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Gym hours are 4AM-9PM. If you have kept your previous key fob, once payment has been processed, your key fob will be reactivated within 24 hours. If you have discarded your fob, we ask that you rejoin and send an email to meet a GFC staff member at the front desk between 4PM-6PM, Monday-Thursday.

Locker Rooms & Showers: 

They will be open and available for limited use, no overnight storage until further notice.

COVID Guidelines: 

Since we serve our community young and old, vaccinated and with the choice to not vaccinate, we ask that ALL of our members follow and respect the guidelines with best practice.
* Patrons should bring their own equipment (e.g., towels, yoga mats, water bottles), to the extent possible.
* Sanitation stations will be set up in several areas of the gym to wipe equipment before and after each use.

Hard Work+Dedication = Fitness Success

Let’s be honest! Many of us attempt to exercise for a short period of time only to quit shortly after, because we don’t see the results that we were looking for. We all know the saying that “Rome wasn’t built in a Day;” and the same can be said for fitness. To see quality results that we ourselves can be happy with and proud of we must put forth the effort. If you combine the tools that Groton Fitness Center has to offer with your own consistency and drive you create a recipe for fitness success!

Fitness For You

Groton Fitness Center has been serving Groton and surrounding areas since 1996. We provide a large selection of free weights, weight machines and cardio equipment.

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Hours of Operation

Open Hours: 4AM-9PM, Everyday with Door FOB

Staffed Hours: 4PM-6PM, Monday-Thursday

For a gym tour, a free trial workout or to purchase a membership, stop in during staffed hours or call for an appointment.

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Monthly membership payment for one person

$40 Month

Single Military

Discounted monthly membership payment for one person, pending receipt of Active Military ID or DD214.

50-100% Off


Monthly membership payment for parents and dependent children, age 14 and older.

$70 Month


Yearly membership payment for one person

$395 Year


Yearly membership payment for parents and dependent children. 4 persons maximum, children 14 and up with supervision, single household.

Contact us

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